Wednesday, September 11, 2013

eoc10: Dream job

Junior Art Director for Evolution Bureau in San Francisco CA
Assistant art directors often have graphic design and artistic responsibilities as well as coordination and managerial duties. They sometimes are referred to as junior art directors. Depending on the wishes of the individual art directors, assistant art directors might perform duties that are very similar to those of their bosses, or they might work in role that are more supportive.
Behind closed doors we gather, a brotherhood of storytellers, designers, interactive’ers, innovators, builders, tech-meisters, media gurus, forward thinkers, sideways thinkers and risk-takers. We cross borders and oceans to bring you the best talent, all handpicked and all with a hidden agenda, to make your message and your brand the utmost memorable. We’ll do it by starting the finest of conversations, breaking the best of rules and inspiring naysayers to participate, co-create and pass along. And behind all the digital tools, social currency, and viral talk, we’ll be busy committing new believers, fans, evangelists and customers every day.
We are EVB, San Francisco, Boulder and London. Seek refuge in our inner circle. 

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