Wednesday, August 28, 2013

eoc 8: subliminal advertising

Some my call it a trick and some say its not fair but i call it good design. being in advertising i never really understood  when someone said that well designed ads were unfair, because if what i designed was in fact a subliminal ad then its something that wouldn't be seen by the normal viewer. Subliminal advertising placing fleeting or hidden images in commercial content in the hopes that viewers will process them unconsciously doesn't work. Recent research suggests that consumers do sometimes respond non-consciously to cues they aren't consciously aware are there. Nonetheless, people remain fascinated by allegedly subliminal messages in ads -- even though if something is truly subliminal you shouldn't be able to identify it, by definition. Most "subliminal" ads are happy accidents, or people seeing what they want to see. But some appear to be deliberate, or at least too good to be true.Subliminal advertising--hidden messages embedded in ads--is considered a deceptive business practice by the Federal Trade Commission. Yet a legal kind of "subliminal" persuasion happens every day. Shoppers are regularly encouraged to buy by appeals to their senses or unconscious assumptions. I recently carried out a series of research experiments to uncover the ways advertisers burrow beneath our rational minds to get us to pull out our wallets. Here are five techniques used to mess with our minds that you should know about. 

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