Super Size Me is a 2004 American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003 during which he ate only McDonald's food and if asked if he wanted to super size his meal he had to do so. through out the film the effects to eating all the fast food start to show and take hold. so if you have seen this movie your pronely wonder how McDonalds handled this news well his is what they did.
The burger giant said it has
begun phasing out Supersize fries and drinks in its more than 13,000 U.S.
restaurants and will stop selling them altogether by year’s end, except in
promotionsRichard Adams, a former McDonald’s franchising executive and now an
independent consultant for franchisees, said health concerns no doubt factored
into the decision. But he said the company has been promising to clear up some
of the “clutter” on its menu since adding a slew of new products in the
late 1990s when domestic sales were flat. “The reason for reducing the
number of fry sizes is to simplify operations and enhance our ability to
deliver better service to our guests,” the memo said, adding
that the 7-ounce carton “will be eliminated as part of our
healthy lifestyle initiative.”
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